Cuore  by Edmondo D'Amicis


Edmondo D'Amicis

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Cuore è un romanzo per ragazzi scritto da Edmondo De Amicis a Torino, strutturato a episodi separati e pubblicato, per la prima volta, dalla casa editrice milanese Treves nel 1886. Il libro ha la forma di un diario fittizio di un ragazzo di terza elementare che racconta lo svolgersi del proprio anno scolastico 1881-1882 dal 17 ottobre al 10 luglio: ogni capitolo riporta la data del giorno e un titolo riferito al tema trattato

Cuore (romanzo). (2021, April 28). In Wikipedia.

Heart (Italian: Cuore [ˈkwɔːre]) is a children's novel by the Italian author Edmondo De Amicis who was a novelist, journalist, short story writer, and poet. The novel is his best known work to this day, having been inspired by his own children Furio and Ugo who had been schoolboys at the time. It is set during the Italian unification, and includes several patriotic themes. It was issued by Treves on October 18, 1886, the first day of school in Italy, and rose to immediate success.

Heart (novel). (2021, May 26). In Wikipedia.

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Suggested by 1 Italian learners

This book is set in the 1880s as a child’s diary, and contains lots of important Italian themes. These often come in the form of stories, having some important moral at the end, such as being kind and helping others. I found that the diary form makes it very easy to read, so it’s perfect for learning Italian.
