Terra Sonâmbula  by Mia Couto

Terra Sonâmbula

Mia Couto

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Terra Sonâmbula é um romance escrito por Mia Couto publicado em 1992. A obra foi publicada em Portugal pela Editorial Caminho em 1993. Ganhou o Prêmio Nacional de Ficção da Associação dos Escritores Moçambicanos (1995) e foi considerado um dos doze melhores livros africanos do século XX por um júri criado pela Feira do Livro do Zimbábue. Foi reeditado no Brasil pela Companhia das Letras – é um romance em abismo, escrito numa prosa poética que remete a Guimarães Rosa. Couto se vale também de recursos do realismo animista e da arte narrativa tradicional africana para compor esta bela fábula.

Terra Sonâmbula. (2020, November 23). In wikipedia. https://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Terra_Son%C3%A2mbula

Sleepwalking Land (in Portuguese: Terra Sonâmbula) is a novel written by Mia Couto, a Mozambican writer, first published in Portuguese in 1992 and translated into English by David Brookshaw in 2006. In 1995, the novel received the National Fiction Award from the Association of Mozambican Writers (AEMO) and was chosen as one of the twelve best African books of the 20th century by the panel of the Zimbabwe International Book Fair.The book was also the representative text read by the Neustadt Prize jury when Couto was nominated for the 2014 Neustadt International Prize for Literature, which he won

Sleepwalking Land. (2021, March 13). In Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sleepwalking_Land

👍 1

Suggested by 1 Portuguese learners

This is a great book that tells the story of 2 men who find some notebooks which detail the start of independence for Mozambique and the political instability before the civil war. I found it was great for expanding my cultural knowledge of Mozambique as well as reading a great book, so I would definitely recommend this book.
